Accelerate shedding in dogs

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Why do dogs lose their fur? 

A dog's coat changes twice a year. The dog loses fur in the months when the temperatures change. However, the dog does not suffer from the temperature, otherwise many domestic dogs would not need a change of coat. The change of coat is dependent on daylight andIt is controlled by hormones.  mainly in spring and autumn. The coat adapts to the coming season, the light conditions and the temperatures. Dogs shed the most fur in spring, as the dense coat with the undercoat is no longer needed in spring and summer. From now on, the coat must protect the skin from UV rays and heat. In autumn, however, the coat becomes thicker, usually darker, and some dogs grow a dense undercoat. With both our dogs, we can really see that they get a much lighter coat in summer and a little fluff - a fine undercoat - in winter. In addition to the normal change of coat twice a year, dogs shed fur all year round. The change of coat depends on your dog's state of health and hormonal balance. Neutered dogs have an altered hormone balance and therefore shed more all year round. 

By the way: If you would like tips and tricks for a clean dog household and natural, home-made cleaning products, take a look at our clean dog household blog. 

Coat change duration

The regular shedding period in dogs, which takes place twice a year, lasts between 4 and 8 weeks. During this time, the dog sheds a lot of fur. There are breeds, such as the Yorkshire Terrier or the Poodle, that shed little to no hair. They are considered particularly allergy-friendly, but need to be clipped or trimmed. Naked dogs, such as the Mexican Naked Dog, have no fur to shed. Their skin has no protection and they need extra care and protection. During puberty, hormonal changes can lead to increased shedding. Male dogs are generally affected by this more frequently than female dogs. Neutered dogs sometimes shed all year round. Before a heat, female dogs may also shed more. All these shedding changes are hormonal. If your dog loses a lot of fur outside of the shedding period, there may be other reasons for this. If your dog temporarily loses a lot of fur, this may be due to current stress, for example. A visit to the vet, a move or a holiday can cause your dog to lose a lot of fur. In this case, you should reduce your dog's stress as much as possible. We have already provided important information on this topic Peace and quiet and resting exercises for inside und outside put together for you. A good indicator of a healthy dog is its coat. If the coat is dull, lacklustre, oily or bald, there may be health reasons for this. Some dogs even smell unpleasant or scratch themselves frequently. Possible causes are a skin fungus, allergies or metabolic and organ diseases (e.g. thyroid disease). If your dog is losing fur and its coat is dull, you can seek advice from a vet. 

Accelerate shedding in dogs

The coat is a mirror for your dog's state of health. The coat may become a little flaky or lacklustre for a short time when the coat changes. The body does a lot of work in the process. If your dog loses a lot of fur all year round and its coat is dull and lacklustre, this may be due to poor nutrition. You can't really speed up the shedding process, but you can help your dog change its coat by adapting its diet and supplements. This ensures a firm coat structure and a better shedding process. The change of coat begins earlier than we realise, not just when the hair falls out. It is important to take precautions, because remember that foods and supplements can only take effect after some time and need time to be absorbed by the body. Start with a cure as soon as the first signs of a change of coat appear or use the tips in the long term to keep your dog's coat healthy. 

Fur consists mainly of keratin, i.e. protein. As soon as your dog loses a lot of fur, you can speed up the shedding process with high-quality protein. Provide your dog with high-quality food, oils, supplements and care to support the shedding process in the best possible way. AIt is also good to strengthen the immune system, because the body actually performs extremely well during the change of coat. Trace elements such as zinc and copper also support your dog during the coat change.

Food during coat change

Dogs absorb their most important nutrients through their food. During the change of coat, dogs need more nutrients than usual. A protein-rich food with vitamin B, zinc and biotin helps your dog during the change of coat. Zinc is a very special mineral that supports dogs during the change of coat. Zinc is involved in the formation of Keratin In addition, zinc promotes the formation of collagen, which gives the coat strength and accelerates the shedding process. Some feed manufacturers offer feed with increased zinc content, which is obtained from red meat, special cereals, fish, poultry and dairy products. @PetsDeli Limited Edition food offers the nutrients your dog needs for the coming season.


Oils for a healthy coat

Oils are not primarily used in BARF food. Every dog person who BARFs their dog uses oil. If you feed your dog wet or dry food, you can add oil to the food as long as your dog is shedding fur. Some oils are particularly suitable for this. They contain essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 and vitamins that support your dog during the shedding process. At the same time, your dog needs oils to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in the body. 

Not all oils are the same. The quality can vary greatly and this is reflected in the price. You should preferably use cold-pressed oils, as the fatty acids are destroyed during hot pressing. Some cheap oils are even contaminated with harmful substances. 

We differentiate between fish oils and vegetable oils. Fish oils such as salmon oil contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. When it comes to vegetable oils, hemp seed oil and linseed oil are the best, as their omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio is optimal. Nevertheless, we recommend that you alternate the oils from time to time.



Linseed oil

Hemp seed oil

Salmon oil

Linseed oil has the highest proportion of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids of all oils. Linseed oil is also rich in protein and selenium - both of which are beneficial for a healthy and shiny coat. Linseed oil also contains vitamin E, which moisturises the coat. This is highly recommended for flaky and itchy dog skin. Linseed oil therefore supports your dog's immune system and natural coat shine during the change of coat. Linseed oil also protects the cardiovascular system and is said to have a pain-relieving effect. Unfortunately, linseed oil only has a short shelf life and should ideally be kept in the refrigerator and fed quickly. Hemp seed oil contains essential omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, which the dog's body cannot produce itself (nor can the human body). The linoleic acid it contains can only be found in very few foods. If your dog's coat is changing, hemp oil helps with skin problems such as a dull coat, dandruff, dry skin or itching. Linoleic acid is used in many human cosmetics as an aid for skin and hair. If your dog is losing fur, a high proportion of beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin B1 and B2 and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron or copper can accelerate the change of coat.


Like the other oils, salmon oil also contains omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. The special effect of salmon is due to the omega-3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). EPA and DHA are long-chain fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. This supports your dog's immune system, boosts the metabolism (good for metabolic disorders and allergies), prevents your dog from losing a lot of fur and supports a strong bone structure.  Salmon is also one of the few foods with a high vitamin D content.  
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Supplements for coat changes

In addition to food and oils, you can support your dog's coat change with supplements. Supplements are food supplements. You can mix them into the food in paste or powder form (e.g. herbs) to support the coat change. Some supplements are also fed as tablets. 


Brewer's yeast is a waste product from beer production and consists of single-celled yeast fungi. It is a purely natural product whose effects have been used for humans for a long time. You can buy it as tablets or powder. Brewer's yeast is now also being used more and more in dogs because it contains amino acids, B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. The important minerals that accelerate the shedding process in dogs are zinc and selenium. Zinc strengthens the coat and selenium strengthens the coat at the roots.

Brewer's yeast not only helps when your dog loses fur, but also with loss of appetite and ticks. Ticks avoid the smell of brewer's yeast and this protects your dog from the annoying parasites. The fibre in brewer's yeast supports your dog's healthy intestinal flora and helps with gastrointestinal problems.

Brewer's yeast contains amino acids that require well-functioning kidneys. If your dog has kidney problems, brewer's yeast is not recommended. Brewer's yeast is also not recommended for dogs with existing fungal diseases.

Vitamin Booster

Vitamins accelerate the change of coat in dogs because they provide the body with what it needs. Supplements are particularly suitable for the change of coat in dogs in autumn as a kind of subsequent vitamin boost. Vitamin boosters are available as powders or pastes.

Regular brushing

You can help your dog to change its coat by brushing it regularly. Repeated brushing means your dog loses less fur and you speed up the shedding process. The sebaceous glands are massaged and your dog suffers less itching. It is also good for your relationship if you build up brushing as a positive experience. Many dogs really like brushing. Which brush is suitable for your dog when changing its coat? First of all, you need to determine the structure of your dog's coat.

For high-maintenance dog breeds, we recommend that you seek good advice from a dog grooming salon so that you can provide your dog with the best possible care and grooming.


  • 1-2 cm long
  • with undercoat or without undercoat
  • z.B. Labrador, Pinscher, Dobermann, American Staffordshire Terrier, Boxer, etc.
  • Suitable: rubber brush, massage brush, wild boar bristle curry comb
  • Unsuitable: Metal brush
  • How often: 2-3 x per week


  • 7-20cm long
  • dense coat
  • e.g. Cocker Spaniel, Border Collie, Golden Retriever, Afghan Greyhound
  • Suitable: Coat comb, brushes with rounded nubs, de-matting tool, trimmer
  • unsuitable: rubber brush, metal brush
  • How often: daily, breeds without a change of coat (e.g. Yorkshire Terriers) must be clipped


  • Medium-length, rough and firm coat
  • Often very dense undercoat that does not fall out on its own
  • Dead fur must be plucked
  • e.g. Parson Jack Russell Terrier, Wirehaired Dachshund, Schnauzer, German Wirehaired, etc.
  • Suitable: Plucking brush
  • Unsuitable: Rubber brush
  • How often: care is individual, please seek advice


  • long coat
  • Light to strong curl
  • with strong curl, sometimes no undercoat (e.g. poodle)
  • z. B. Pudel, Bolonka Zwetna, Lagotto Romagnolo, etc.
  • Suitable: Coat comb, plucking brush, clipper
  • Unsuitable: rubber brush, harrow, sharp-edged metal brushes
  • How often: 2-3 x per week, regular shearing, depending on coat growth