CBD oil for dogs

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What does CBD oil do for dogs?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a plant substance from hemp (cannabis). It has a calming, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and harmonising effect on dogs and humans. It is important to find the right CBD oil for your dog, which may require a longer adaptation period depending on the needs. CBD can only have an effect if taken regularly, i.e. daily. CBD oil is certainly not a panacea, but can support conventional medicine or other therapeutic measures in the case of: 

  • Restlessness (e.g. when travelling by car or in restaurants)
  • Anxiety (e.g. fireworks)
  • Inflammations
  • Pain
  • Wound healing
  • Infections
  • Indigestion and vomiting
  • Skin disease (e.g. itching, hair loss)
  • Arthritis or arthrosis
  • Seizures
  • Epileptic seizures
  • Age-related symptoms
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Cancer and reduction of tumours

The intake of CBD oil can also be supportive without an acute health problem. Vitality can be increased and endurance and activity improved. Overall, CBD oil strengthens the immune system and supports all digestive and metabolic processes in dogs.

CBD oil for dogs and humans - what's the difference?

In contrast to humans, dogs have more cannabinoid receptors, which causes dogs to react more sensitively to CBD. The difference between CBD oil for humans and CBD oil for dogs lies in the concentration and is lower in the CBD oil for dogs. CBD products for humans usually have a concentration of 10 - 30 %, while products with 1 - 10 % CBD are sufficient for dogs. 

You can calculate the ideal dosage for your dog at @Hunrey's dosage calculator. We recommend that you start with a low dosage of a few drops of CBD oil to observe your dog and its tolerance. You can gradually increase the dosage. The exact adjustment can take a few weeks and may require some patience depending on the symptoms. 

Administering CBD oil to dogs

Ideally, you can drip the CBD oil onto your dog's tongue or into its mouth. The CBD oil is best absorbed by the dog via the mucous membranes and shows its effect after just 10 to 15 minutes. We personally give our dogs the drops in the palm of our hand so that the dogs lick them out, which they love to do. If neither works so well, you can drip the CBD oil onto your dog's food. The onset of action via the digestive tract is slower and takes around 30 minutes.


The right CBD oil dosage for your dog

The correct dosage of CBD oil for your dog can be very individual. @Hunreys offers a dosage calculator on its website, which can initially provide a guide. 

The clearer your dog's symptoms are, the better you can judge whether the dosage is correct or needs to be adjusted. At the beginning of the treatment, it is recommended to start with a low concentration (between 1 % - 10 % depending on the size of the dog). If you do not notice any improvement after approx. 1 month, you can choose a higher concentration as required. Start with a few drops at the low dosage to observe the tolerance. A slow increase in the amount is recommended. The larger the dog, the higher the dose should be. If your dog tolerates the CBD oil well and you still do not notice any improvement after 2-4 weeks, you can start to increase the dose by 1-2 drops. You also keep the increased dose for 1-2 weeks and test the tolerance and the process. 

The full effect, when administered daily, only becomes apparent after about 1-2 weeks, due to the long elimination half-life of the cannabinoids. However, it should not be forgotten that the duration and intensity of use always depend on the dog's problem and its weight. In addition to the dosage calculator, @Hunreys is happy to support you with Thinking via Mail (info@hunreys.de).

Higher concentration equals better effect? 

The CBD content gives you information about how intense a drop is filled with CBD. It is advisable to give your dog several drops throughout the day instead of a high dosage once. A higher CBD content does not achieve a faster or better effect. It is therefore advisable to give the lower CBD content more often throughout the day. A 10% CBD oil is mainly suitable for severe symptoms or particularly large breeds.  

Overdose and side effects

CBD is generally well tolerated and has a good side-effect profile. There are only very limited real dangers for dogs when taking CBD. CBD is a dietary supplement and is considered to be an effective treatment for dogs when used appropriately. Dosage is also well tolerated by dogs, even if it is administered daily. The correct dosage minimises the side effects. However, if the dosage is too high, the side effects become more pronounced. It is therefore advisable to increase the dosage slowly until the desired effect is achieved. Dogs react very individually to the cannabinoid. Some dogs may therefore experience side effects. The known side effects include 

  • Of course, side effects cannot be completely ruled out because each dog reacts individually to the cannabinoid. The known side effects include 
  • Dry mucous membranes/reduced salivation (with an increased feeling of thirst)
  • Drowsiness/fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Reduced appetite.

When is it not advisable to take CBD oil for dogs?

It is not advisable to administer CBD oil to your dog if:

  • your dog is pregnant because CBD impairs placental development and function
  • your dog due to a Illness has impaired liver and/or kidney function
  • your dog is affected by the so-called MDR1 genedefect (the MDR1 gene defect means that the protein is no longer produced which acts as a barrier against unwanted substances crossing the blood-brain barrier into the brain).

How can I recognise good CBD oil for dogs?

Finding good quality CBD oil for dogs is not always easy, but we would like to give you a few tips to help you orientate yourself: 

  • the manufacturer's products are subject to regular quality controls (not just once),
  • the product comes from Germany, Austria or Switzerland,
  • the product bears a seal of quality,
  • the manufacturer makes no promise of effectiveness,
  • There is an imprint on the website, 
  • you can contact us if you have any questions or uncertainties. 

Hemp (seed) oil and CBD oil are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are two different products. The seeds of the hemp plant do not contain CBD. Nevertheless, hemp oil can also Health support your dog. contains essential omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids, which the dog's body cannot produce itself. The linoleic acid it contains can only be found in very few foods. If the dog's coat is changing, hemp oil helps with skin problems such as a dull coat, dandruff, dry skin or itching.

What is the difference between Hunreys Premium and Natural CBD oil?

The fundamental difference lies in the production of both CBD oils. The essential hemp oil of the premium oil is obtained using a special, gentle CO₂ extraction process and then refined with pure, high-quality MCT oil from coconut. Because it is not so packed with all the plant substances, it is particularly suitable for dogs with sensitive mucous membranes or intestinal flora.

The cold-pressed hemp seed oils naturally have an increased CBD content. 100% pure plant juice can be obtained through direct pressing, which ensures a full entourage effect thanks to the full, naturally occurring spectrum of terpenes, flavonoids and other secondary plant substances. The natural CBD oil has a more intense flavour and a broader spectrum of effects than the premium CBD oils. Due to the full range of all plant substances in the natural oils, the natural CBD oils are particularly suitable for treating illnesses, pain or dementia.