Spot-on, Collars and tablets: a comparison of chemical tick protection

Ticks are not only annoying, but can also transmit dangerous diseases such as Lyme disease or TBE. Effective tick protection is therefore particularly important for our pets, especially dogs. There are various options for tick prophylaxis for dogs, including pharmaceutical preparations and natural repellents. In this blog, we take a closer look at pharmaceutical tick repellents. There are spot-on products, Collars and tablets. The choice of the best protection depends on both the animal and the person.

Frequently used active ingredients such as afoxolaner, fluralaner, lotilaner, sarolaner, insecticides and acaricides from the isoxazoline group are particularly suitable for protection against ticks. Fluralaner is a well-studied active ingredient and, according to studies, protects dogs for up to 12 weeks after oral administration. No clinical abnormalities were observed with the use of Fluralaner. It is also suitable for pregnant bitches, puppies and dogs with MDR-1 gene defects. As Fluralaner is excreted slowly, it places less strain on the organs.

In this article we compare the different chemical tick repellents to help you choose the best product for your dog, looking at spot-on products, tick collars, tablets and chewable tablets and discussing the pros and cons of the different methods.

Chemical tick protection

Ticks can cause various diseases in dogs, such as Lyme disease or anaplasmosis, and should therefore be avoided. One way to protect dogs from tick bites is to use chemical products such as spot-ons or Collars that contain insecticides. Although these products are often very effective, some people are critical of them, arguing that they may be harmful to the dog or the environment and that there are alternative, natural methods of tick repellent. However, alternative methods of tick repellent have also become increasingly popular, especially among dog owners who are concerned about the potential negative effects of chemical products. These include natural products such as essential oils or herbs that can be used as repellents against ticks. Although these products are considered natural and harmless alternatives, there is no scientific evidence that they are effective. 

Chemical tick protection

Please discuss with your vet which tick repellent you should choose for your dog. Not all products are equally suitable for all dogs.

When choosing a suitable tick repellent, you should consider the following requirements:

  • Effectiveness: The product should be proven to repel or kill ticks to reduce the risk of tick bites and communicable diseases.

  • Long-lasting protection: Tick repellent should be effective for a reasonable period of time so that your dog remains protected without constantly renewing the product. Most tick repellents offer protection for between 4 weeks and 3 months.

  • Safety: The product should be safe for your dog and all other pets in your household. Check the ingredients and possible side effects before using the product.

  • Easy to use: An effective tick repellent should be easy and uncomplicated to use so that you can apply it regularly and correctly.

  • Water resistance: A good tick repellent should remain effective even when wet, such as after bathing or swimming.

  • Suitable for puppies and older dogs: Tick protection should be suitable for dogs of all ages. Some products are not recommended for puppies under a certain age. Read the instructions carefully.

  • Respect for the environment and animal welfare: If possible, choose a product that is both environmentally friendly and kind to animals.

Spot-on preparations as tick protection

Spot-on products are solutions that are applied directly to the animal's skin, usually in the neck area. They contain chemical active ingredients such as fipronil, permethrin or imidacloprid, which are absorbed through the skin and kill or repel the ticks.


  • Easy to use: The solution is applied directly to the skin and requires no further handling.
  • Fast effectiveness: The active ingredients are active within a few hours and provide protection against ticks.
  • Long-lasting protection: Spot-ons usually offer 4-6 weeks of protection. 
  • Protection from other parasites
  • Different thicknesses for different dog sizes
  • Good tolerance: Spot-on products are generally well tolerated and rarely cause side effects.


  • Toxicity to humans, infants and other animals (especially cats)
  • Possibly not effective against all tick species
  • Application time must be observed
  • Expensive because of frequent use, especially for larger dogs or long-term use
  • Duration of action "only" approx. 4 weeks
  • Contact with the active substance: As the solution is applied directly to the skin, there is a risk of humans or other animals coming into contact with the active substance.
  • Active ingredients can be washed off: In heavy rain or if the animal goes into the water, the active ingredients can be partially washed off and the protection is reduced.
Spot-On Zeckenschutz beim Hund

Tick collars as tick protection

Tick collars are Collars that are impregnated with chemical agents such as flumethrin, imidacloprid or deltamethrin, which are released continuously and keep ticks and other parasites away.


  • Easy to use: Tick collars are easy to put on and require no further handling.
  • Long-lasting protection: Tick collars offer protection for up to 8 months.
  • Low exposure to active ingredients: As the active ingredients are released directly from the Collar, there is less risk of humans or other animals coming into contact with them.
  • Protection against other parasites: Most tick collars also protect against fleas and other parasites.
  • Waterproof: The active ingredients are water-resistant and remain effective even in rain or contact with water.
  • Available in different sizes: Tick collars are available for dogs of different sizes so that the right Collar can be found for every dog.


  • Possible skin irritation or allergic reactions: The Collar can cause skin irritation or trigger allergic reactions in sensitive dogs.
  • Uncomfortable for some dogs with constant use: Some dogs may find wearing a collar all the time uncomfortable.
  • Can become tangled or matted on long coats: The Collar can cause problems for dogs with long coats by becoming tangled or matting the coat.
  • Can be "unsightly" for humans: Some people find tick collars visually disturbing.
  • Toxicity to humans and other animals: The active ingredients contained in tick collars can be toxic to humans and other animals if they come into contact with them or accidentally consume them.
  • It is important that the Collar is tight enough, but not too tight: To achieve an optimal effect, the Collar must be tight enough around the dog's neck without being too tight and restricting breathing or blood flow. This can be difficult for some dogs, especially those with sensitive skin or those that are between two sizes.

Zeckenhalsband beim Hund

Oral tick protection (tablets)

Tablets and chewable tablets are oral medications containing active ingredients such as afoxolaner, fluralaner, lotilaner or sarolaner, which are swallowed by the animal and distributed in the body to kill or repel ticks.


  • Convenient administration: Tablets and chewable tablets can simply be given with food or as a treat.
  • Long-lasting protection: The active ingredients provide protection for up to 12 weeks, depending on the product used.
  • No external application: As the tablets are administered orally, there is no risk of humans or other animals coming into contact with the active substances.


  • Possible side effects: In rare cases, oral medication can cause side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea or loss of appetite.
  • Feed intake required: The animal must ingest the tablet or chewable tablet completely to obtain full protection.
  • Once the tablet has been ingested, it is in the dog's system and cannot be washed off or removed if the dog does not tolerate the tablet. 
Zeckenschutz Tabletten Hund

Disadvantages of chemical tick repellents: What you should know

Chemical tick repellents are a popular method of protecting our dogs from the annoying and dangerous parasites, but it is important to know that these products can also have some disadvantages. In this article we would like to inform you about the possible difficulties and risks associated with the use of chemical tick repellents.

Mild to very strong side effects

One of the main problems with chemical supplements is that they can cause mild to very severe side effects in dogs. In some cases, even neurological symptoms can occur. These include, among others:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Zittern
  • Coordination problems
  • Seizures

If you observe such side effects in your dog, you should definitely consult a vet.

Toxic substances

Some of the active ingredients contained in chemical tick repellents can be toxic to dogs, especially if they are administered in high doses or over a long period of time. This can lead to serious health problems, which in severe cases can even be fatal.

Development of resistance in ticks

Excessive use of chemical products can lead to the development of resistance in ticks. This means that the parasites become insensitive to the active substances used and the protective effect of the products decreases. To counteract this problem, it is important to use tick repellents responsibly and in accordance with the manufacturer's or vet's instructions.

Negative environmental impact

Chemical tick repellents can also have negative effects on the environment. The active ingredients contained in the products can enter the environment, for example by bathing the dog in water or through contact with other animals and plants. This environmental pollution can lead to other organisms being harmed and ecological balances being disturbed.

Not suitable for all dogs

Some chemical products may not be suitable for all dogs, including certain breeds, pregnant bitches or different age groups. Before using a chemical tick repellent, you should therefore always consult a vet to make sure that the product you have chosen is suitable and safe for your dog.

Overall, it is important to be aware of the possible disadvantages of chemical tick repellents and to weigh up whether they are the best choice for your dog. There are also alternative methods, such as natural tick repellents or preventative measures.


Choosing the right tick repellent for your dog can be a challenge, but it's important to know the pros and cons of different methods. Chemical tick repellents such as spot-on products, tick collars and tablets have their advantages, but they can also have side effects and environmental impacts.

Carefully consider which method best suits your dog and its lifestyle. Discuss the different options with your vet to make an informed decision. Don't forget that there are also natural alternatives that can be considered if chemical supplements are not suitable for your dog.

Whichever method you choose, it's crucial to check your dog regularly for ticks and act quickly if you spot one, so you can minimise the risk of tick-borne diseases and keep your four-legged friend healthy and happy.

Does chemical tick repellent repel the tick or does it just kill the tick?

Chemical tick repellents can have both repellent (repellent) and lethal (acaricidal) effects on ticks. Some active ingredients can deter the ticks from biting the dog, while others kill the tick only after they have had contact with the active ingredient. In many cases, chemical tick repellents offer a combination of both to provide the most effective protection against ticks and the diseases they transmit. Examples include the products Advantix® and Seresto®.

Are diseases transmitted directly by the bite of a tick?

The transmission of pathogens through the bite of a tick is not immediate. It usually takes a few hours to several days before the tick transmits the pathogens. The tick must first attach itself to the host and start sucking blood, injecting its saliva into the bite site, which may contain the pathogens. The duration of transmission varies depending on the type of pathogen. For example, transmission of the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes Lyme borreliosis, can take 24 to 48 hours or longer. For other diseases, such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), transmission can occur within a few hours. It is therefore important to remove ticks as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of disease transmission.

What are the main types of chemical tick repellents for dogs?

The main types of chemical tick repellents for dogs are spot-on products, tick collars and tablets or chewable tablets

What are the advantages of spot-on products?

Spot-on products are easy to use, work quickly, offer long-lasting protection and are often water-resistant.

What are the advantages of tick collars?

Tick collars are easy to use, offer long-lasting protection (up to 8 months), are waterproof and also protect against other parasites.

What are the advantages of tablets and chewable tablets?

Tablets and chewable tablets are easy to administer, provide rapid protection, have no external residues and can also protect against other parasites.

What side effects can chemical tick repellents cause?

Chemical tick repellents can cause mild to very severe side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, tremors, coordination disorders and seizures.

Can chemical tick repellents be harmful to the environment?

Yes, chemical tick repellents can have a negative impact on the environment by harming other organisms and disrupting ecological balances.

Are chemical tick repellents suitable for all dogs?

Some chemical preparations may not be suitable for all dogs, e.g. certain breeds, pregnant bitches or different age groups. It is important to consult a vet before using a chemical tick repellent.

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