Dog can't relax: How much rest and activity does my dog ​​need? [Part 1]

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How much rest does a dog need?

A dog's need for rest

Our dogs' need for rest is greater than most dog people would estimate. A dog is physically easily able to carry out everyday life with us humans. From a biological point of view, a dog needs significantly more rest than humans. An adult and healthy dog ​​needs around 16-20 hours to doze and sleep. Puppies or old dogs need more than 16-20 hours of rest. If a dog cannot calm down on its own, it needs the help of a person to instruct it to calm down. Some dogs, on the other hand, find peace on their own. This can be because the dog learned it from the start, or because his personality and character favor it. The reasons why your dog doesn't calm down can be different. Body structure also influences stress resilience. You can find out more about the body structure and the ability to self-regulate in the explanation of terms Impulse control.  The more people integrate dogs into their everyday lives, the more there is a need to teach and learn to be calm.

The dog's desire to keep busy 

After the overloaded children, the phenomenon of excessive demands is now gradually occurring in the dog world. Agility courses, mantrailing and various workshops are intended to keep the dog busy. The dog also accompanies us on visits, to the restaurant and to the weekly market. Where is the necessary time to switch off and really relax?

Well-intentioned utilization, poorly implemented
Unknowingly, as dog people, we can encourage restless behavior in our dogs. Excessive exercise or thoughtless games that rely on movement without the brain promote restlessness and prevent the dog from calming down. Stupid ball games without a concept encourage, among other things, ball junkies who rush like mad after a ball.

Too much and too little exercise can cause the same symptoms of restlessness in your dog. If your dog doesn't calm down, it could be due to too much exercise or too little exercise. In addition to the dog's lack of exercise, incorrect activity can cause your dog to go crazy. Finding a healthy amount of exercise and activity for your dog is not always easy. In order to teach your dog to calm down and at the same time keep him busy, you can use exercises impulse control or resort to concentration exercises. We already have it for you impulse control training for Beginneradvanced and professionals compiled.

The thought often floats around in dog people's heads that a dog that is well exercised hears better. It is understandable that exercise and activity with your dog is necessary and that boredom causes some problem behavior in dogs. However, the reason for employment should not be to exhaust yourself, but rather a healthy amount of stimuli, impressions, exercise and opportunities to rest. Elevated cortisol levels make dogs want to exercise in order to metabolize the excess cortisol through activity. A vicious circle arises: a stressed dog becomes a hyperactive dog that is stressed. Lack of rest and sleep leads to nervousness, lack of concentration and tension. As a dog person, the dog's behavior makes you think the dog needs more exercise. Incorrect! What a dog like this needs is rest! 

Lack of sleep is not only a result of stress, but also the origin of other health problems and problem behavior. As a dog person, it is your job to teach your dog to calm down if your dog doesn't calm down. This not only helps with general behavior and health, but also promotes the processing of training, exercises and experiences.

How do you know that your dog is overexcited by the situation?