[Day 29] Loose lead: How to teach your dog to walk relaxed on a Leash
Basic obedience: Day 29 of 56
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.
Walks with your dog should be relaxed and enjoyable - for both of you. But many dog people know the problem: the dog pulls on the Leash and wants to get to its destination as quickly as possible. This behaviour, often reinforced by the so-called "opposition reflex", leads to frustrating situations for you and increases your dog's stress levels. The reason for this is often that the Leash has been communicated incorrectly. In this blog, we will show you why loose Leash training is important and how you can improve your cooperation with your dog in the long term.
Objective: The dog learns that a loose Leash is good and that a tight Leash does not lead to success.
Equipment: Collar, Leash (1.5m), distraction (e.g. food toy, ball or another person), treats
Location: Low-stimulus indoor environment, later outdoors
Duration: 2x 5min, repeat regularly
Why is loose Leash training so important?
Loose Leash training is a key part of any dog training programme and helps you to build a stress-free and cooperative relationship with your dog. Many dogs learn early on that pulling will get them to their destination faster, which leads to pulling becoming a self-rewarding behaviour. Your dog associates pulling on the lead with success because the resulting pressure and counter-pressure often means he gets what he wants.
The "opposition reflex" is a natural reaction: if your dog feels a pull on the Leash, it automatically pulls harder against it. The result? A constant struggle on every walk. This unwanted behaviour has often become ingrained over the years and requires a targeted retraining phase. This is where loose Leash training comes in: The aim is to teach your dog that the loose Leash is the better way to get to your destination.
Your dog must first learn to understand correct behaviour or relearn it through past successes. The basic idea of the "loose leash" exercise is to use positive reinforcement with food to reward correct behaviour and thus make the loose Leash rewarding and interesting. After successful training, the food is only used occasionally over time.
A loose Leash not only ensures better communication between you and your dog, but also has a positive effect on the relationship. Your dog learns to pay more attention to you and follows you without pulling on the Leash. At the same time, it strengthens your dog's self-control as he learns not to chase after every stimulus.

You'll find the perfect equipment with us
Loose Leash training is the key to stress-free and harmonious walks with your dog. It requires patience and consistent training, but the results are worth it. Your dog will learn that walking relaxed on the Leash leads to the goal and that pulling does not get him anywhere. Remember to always keep the training positive and reward your dog's progress. With the right technique and a lot of patience, you will soon be enjoying relaxed walks together.
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.