[Day 41] Distraction triangle "Expert": Mastering the perfect recall under extreme distraction
Basic obedience: Day 41 of 56
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.
If your dog has already mastered the recall in low-stimulus environments, the next challenge is training under maximum distraction. Whether it's a running squirrel, a playing dog or a walker - recall is often put to the test at such moments. To help you master these situations, we offer you the "Distraction Triangle Expert". This method helps you and your dog to perfect the recall even in the face of highly distracting stimuli. The aim is to make your dog realise that coming to you is more rewarding than any other distraction.
Goal: Your dog learns to follow your recall instead of the distraction and that this is to be adhered to in any case
Equipment: distraction, Long Leash, Collar, jackpot treats
Location: Low-stimulus outdoor environment
Duration: approx. 5 repetitions with breaks in between, variation with different distractions
Expert" deflection triangle
The "Expert" distraction triangle is a sophisticated recall method specifically designed to teach your dog to reliably come to you even under extreme stimuli. The key is to shape behaviour through targeted distractions, management and rewards.
The meaning of the distraction triangle:
In this method, you present your dog with a challenge by placing a distraction (e.g. toy, food or another dog) between you. The challenge is for your dog to suppress the impulse to go after the distraction and instead react to your recall signal. The dog stands in a triangle, you form one point, the distraction the second, and the path to you the third. The triangular shape helps your dog to overcome the distraction by giving him a clear direction.
Control through the towline:
The Long Leash is an indispensable tool for controlling the training and ensuring that your dog cannot escape from the exercise. It serves as a backup in case your dog wants to chase the distraction. Once you give the recall signal, use the Leash to gently steer and correct the dog if it hesitates. This prevents self-rewarding behaviour (such as running to the distraction).

The double reward
As part of "Expert" training, we use the Premack principle to motivate your dog's behaviour. When your dog responds to your recall, he receives a double reward:
- Jackpot treat: This high-quality reward signals to your dog that coming to you was the best decision.
- Distraction release: In addition, your dog is allowed to go to the distraction after you have given the go-ahead. This strengthens motivation and teaches him that he will ultimately get what he wants through co-operation.
This combination of positive reinforcement and the opportunity to go to the distraction helps your dog to experience the recall as particularly rewarding.
Variation und Progression
To make the training even more challenging, you should work with different distractions and vary the distance to you and to the distraction. Start with simple stimuli (such as a toy), then increase the difficulty (e.g. with another dog) and work on consolidating the recall. It is important that you repeat the training regularly and build up the distractions slowly so that your dog can master the exercise safely.
You'll find the perfect equipment with us
The "Expert" distraction triangle is the perfect way to reinforce your dog's recall even in highly distracting situations. Through targeted training, control of the Long Leash and the double reward, your dog will learn that coming to you is always more rewarding. With patience and the right technique, you will turn your dog into a real recall pro that you can rely on in any situation.
This video and training is part of the Grunge Obedience Concept, a structured programme to promote obedience and the bond between humans and dogs. The concept is carefully didactic and methodical to ensure that each exercise builds on the previous one for maximum effectiveness. It is crucial that you carry out the training in the intended order to achieve the best possible results for your dog.